About City Council Meetings

Workshops are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.

Regular Sessions are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m.

The Agenda: Council considers the items that are published on the agenda. Note: members of the public may discuss any topic related to City business during the Visitors Communication part of Regular meetings.

Agendas are published five days before the meeting online at www.ci.sisters.or.us/meetings. To receive agenda email alerts, visit www.ci.sisters.or.us/newsletter/subscriptions  Printed agendas are posted at City Hall and the Sisters Post Office.

Submit agenda item requests or questions to:

     Deputy Recorder                                                        Phone: 541-323-5213    
     PO Box 39                                                                     Fax: 541-549-0561
     Sisters OR 97759                                                         Email: recorder@ci.sisters.or.us

Speaking at Council Meetings: The City of Sisters welcomes and encourages all citizens to express their views to their city leaders in a respectful and appropriate manner.  If you wish to speak during a Regular Session, complete and hand to the City Recorder a Request to Speak form found on the table as you enter Council Chambers. 

There are three opportunities during a Regular Session meeting for the public to speak before Council:

Visitors Communication: to speak on topics not on the agenda. The Mayor will ask for any visitor’s communications from the audience. Be aware that final Council action on your request at this meeting is unlikely because the necessary ordinance, resolution, or background information will not have been prepared. It is the Council’s wish that matters not on the agenda first be pursued with the responsible City department.  The City Manager will report at the following regular Council meeting about any action that has been taken on items introduced during Visitors Communication.

Public Hearing (if scheduled): to speak on a scheduled hearing topic.  The Mayor will identify the subject and announce the opening of the hearing.  The Mayor will ask for those in favor of the proposal to speak, those opposed, and for any other comments. The Mayor will announce when the hearing is closed, and there will be no further testimony. 

Agenda Items: The Mayor may ask for Public Comment on a scheduled business topic.  After a City staff person or other presenter gives their report, the Mayor may ask for public comments if any Request to Speak forms have been submitted for the topic.

When Called to Speak:

Come forward to the microphone at the podium;

Speak clearly into the microphone;

Begin by stating your name and whether you live in or out of the city;

Time is limited to three minutes;

Speakers may not yield their time to others;

The Mayor or City Councilors reserve the right to dismiss any person engaging in disruptive or abusive behavior;

The Request to Speak form becomes a part of the public record.

Definition of Agenda Items:

Consent Agenda: Routine Council items; may be approved by one motion.

Public Hearing: Pro and con testimony from citizens on an issue.

Proclamation: Official announcement by the City.

Council Business: Items requiring Council action.

Ordinance: Adoption of general laws of the City

Resolution: Adoption of formal City policy or interpretation of a policy.

Staff Comments: Update on significant activities since the last meeting.

Mayor/Council Comments: Update on significant activities since the last meeting.