2024 Urban Growth Boundary Amendment

Urban Growth Boundary Analysis - land outside of the Sisters UGB

Updated 6-28-24

Project Updates

The first UGB Steering Committee was held on June 27, 2024. Click here to view the recording and meeting materials.

On June 26, 2024, the City Council heard an introduction and status update on the UGB Amendment process. The City Council meeting packet and recording can be accessed here.  

On June 12, 2024, the Mayor appointed the members of the UGB Steering Committee.  Thank you to all those that applied.  Six at-large citizen positions were appointed in addition to elected and appointed city officials, city staff, farm and forest interests, and landowners in the UGB Study Area.  The Committee will review draft materials, assist with public engagement efforts, and make key recommendations to City Council.


Project Background

In late 2023, the City Council directed city staff to pursue an Amendment to the city's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Amendment to expand the UGB.  According to the UGB Sufficiency Report the approximate needed acreage in a UGB expansion is between 206-256 acres.  The expansion process will involve review and consideration of approval by the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners followed by the Department of Land Conservation and Development and will take between 1-2 years and is anticipated to be completed by the end of September 2025. 

During the process, there will be ample opportunities for public comment and city staff will provide educational outreach to the Sisters community on the process.  The city has retained the services of MIG Inc., a land use consultant, to assist the city with the process.  


Quick Links



June 27, 2024 Steering Committee Packet 

June 6, 2024 Planning Commission Workshop Packet



Contact Scott Woodford, Community Development Director, at 541-323-5211 or swoodford@ci.sisters.or.us