Text Amendments - Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District  

Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District Map

(Click map to enlarge.)

UPDATED 6/27/24


On January 25, 2024, the City of Sisters Community Development Department received an application for legislative text amendments to the Sisters Development Code (SDC). 

*Please note that no land use or development is proposed with these amendments. Any subsequent land use development proposal is subject to the applicable land use review process as specified in the Sisters Development Code.*



File #:              TA 24-01

Applicant:      Ernie Larrabee - Lake House Inn, LLC


Consultant:   John Skidmore - Skidmore Consulting, LLC

Location:       All of the Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District Including the Following Properties:

                              Address: 69013 Camp Polk Road / Tax Map and Lot: 15-10-4 1101

                              Address: 575 E. Sun Ranch Drive / Tax Map and Lot: 15-10-4BD 1900

                              Address: Unaddressed / Tax Map and Lot: 15-10-4BD 1901

Request:    Text Amendments to the Sisters Development Code Chapter 1.3 (Definitions) and Chapter 2.12 (Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District). The purpose is  to expand and clarify the types of uses allowed in the Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District and other edits for consistency with the Sisters Development Code, including allowing Lodging Establishment and Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park as permitted uses.

Applicable Criteria:       

Sisters Development Code (SDC):

         Chapter 1.3 – Definitions

         Chapter 2.12 – Sun Ranch Tourist Commercial District

         Chapter 4.1 – Types of Applications and Review Procedures

         Chapter 4.7 – Land Use District Map and Text Amendments

City of Sisters Urban Area Comprehensive Plan.

Oregon Statewide Land Use Goals



Pursuant to SDC 4.1, the proposed legislative amendments are subject to a Type IV review process. The Type IV review process requires a public hearing before the Sisters Urban Area Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council. A subsequent public hearing is required before the City Council. Following the public hearing, the City Council will render a final decision via adoption of an ordinance.



  • March 7, 2024: The Planning Commission held a workshop to discuss the proposal with staff in preparation for the public hearing. The Commission decided to hold another workshop on March 21, 2024, to continue discussing the scope of the proposal and review process before proceeding to the public hearing. 
  • March 21, 2024:The Planning Commission held a workshop to discuss the proposal with staff in preparation for the public hearing.
  • April 18, 2024: The Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony and evaluate the project record. The hearing was continued to May 16, 2024.
  • May 16, 2024: The Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony and evaluate the project record. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed text amendments as drafted by a 4-2 vote. The adopting resolution (PC Resolution 2024-01) is attached below under "Supporting Documents."
  • June 26, 2024: The City Council held a workshop to discuss the proposal with staff in preparation for the public hearing. The staff report is attached below under "Supporting Documents."
  • July 10, 2024, at 6:30pm: The City Council will hold a public hearing to receive testimony and evaluate the project record. 

The associated Planning Commission and City Council meeting agendas and materials will be posted on the City Calendar.



The project record can be found HERE.

All evidence and materials submitted into the record are accessible at the Project Record link above. The printed record is also available for inspection at Sisters City Hall. Copies of all materials are available on request at a reasonable cost.

Please send comments  to Matthew Martin at mmartin@ci.sisters.or.us or by mail to PO Box 39, 520 E Cascade Avenue, Sisters, OR 97759. 



For additional information, please contact Matthew Martin, Principal Planner, at (541) 323-5208 or mmartin@ci.sisters.or.us.