Short Term Rental Program Text Amendment

UPDATED 7/5/24 

For the 2023-24 fiscal year, the City Council (Council) adopted several goals to accomplish in the coming year. One of those goals is to “evaluate Short-Term Rental Code language to mitigate adverse impacts on the community.” The Council identified this as a priority based on community input and Councilor concerns regarding the impacts of Short-Term Rentals. Specifically, the Council identified concerns with the availability of housing units for long-term occupancy and nuisances created by Short-Term Rentals.



The City Council and Planning Commission conducted a series of workshops to evaluate the current short-term rental program (Click here for summary of workshops). As a result of the evaluation, the City Council directed staff to initiate the formal review process for proposed text amendments to the short-term rental regulations in the Sisters Development Code.



     FILE #:     TA 24-02

     APPLICANT:     City of Sisters

     REQUEST:     Text Amendments to the Sisters Development Code Section 2.15.2700, Special Provisions for Short-Term Rentals (STR), including:

  • Expansion of the STR concentration limit from 250 feet to 500 feet.
  • Applying STR concentration limit to dwelling units within a condominium.
  • Applying STR concentration limit to dwelling units in the Downtown Commercial District that are part of a residential only development. This is not applicable to dwelling units in commercial or mixed-use buildings.
  • Prohibition of STRs in Urban Growth Boundary expansion/annexation areas.



Pursuant to SDC 4.1, the proposed legislative amendments are subject to a Type IV review process. The Type IV review process requires a public hearing before the Sisters Urban Area Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council. A subsequent public hearing is required before the City Council. Following the public hearing, the City Council will render a final decision via adoption of an ordinance.



  • June 20, 2024, at 5:30pm: The Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony and evaluate the project record. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments via a 4-1 vote on Resolution PC 2024-02. Resolution PC 2024-2 is below under "Supporting Documents"
  • City Council Public Hearing: The City Council public hearing schedule on this matter has yet to be determined.

The associated Planning Commission and City Council meeting agendas and materials will be posted on the City Calendar.



Testimony will be accepted at the public hearings. Prior to the public hearings, written comments may be submitted to Sisters City Hall at 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters (mailing address PO Box 39, Sisters, OR 97759) or emailed to Comments should be directed toward the criteria that apply to this request and must reference the file number.  Please include a mailing address to receive future mailings associated with this proposal.


Staff Contact:  For project information, please contact Matthew Martin, Principal Planner at (541) 323-5208 or


Click here for more information about the current Short-Term Rental Program