Historic Preservation

Sisters Saloon

In partnership with Deschutes County, the City of Sisters received funding for historic preservation projects through the State’s Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Certified Local Government (CLG) grant. 

The CLG grant funds for 2024 were allocated towards the following projects:

  • Preparing guidelines and recommendations for fire-resilient building materials that honor the City's 1880s Western Design Theme.
  • Education and outreach to private property owners with sites that may be eligible for historic designation. 

The CLG grant funds for 2022 were allocated towards the following projects:

  • ArcGIS StoryMap for Reconnaissance Level Survey Findings: The City of Sisters completed a Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) in 2018. One of the recommendations of the RLS was to conduct community outreach surrounding the notable findings from the study, including properties that could be considered eligible significant or eligible contributing as historic resources. This information has been compiled into a user-friendly online interactive resource that provides background on the purpose of the RLS and designations, provides an overview of the study area, and provides greater detail and photos of notable properties. You can view the Historically Significant Sites of Sisters StoryMap here: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/43286a6ceb6e453fa9d03da194fac019
  • Historic Landmarks Tours: The City updated the historical information brochure for community members to utilize on self-guided tours of historic landmarks in City limits. The new brochure has a refined map with improved graphic design to make the brochure more user friendly and attractive. The CLG grant funds were used to print 1,000 copies of the brochure to be distributed by the City and Sisters Historical Museum. Additional grant funds were used to purchase audio transmitter and receiver equipment for the Three Sisters Historical Society to use for the historic landmark tours. 


Historic Preservation Reports and Documents