Planning & Zoning

C4C Forum Event - May 2022

Explore the progress of ongoing projects that are shaping the future of our community.

Urban Growth Boundary Analysis - land outside of the Sisters UGB

Updated 7-19-24

Project Updates

On July 25, 2024, the UGB Steering Committee will hold its second meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 4-6 pm at the Council Chambers of the Sisters City Hall located at 520 E. Cascade Avenue.  It is a public meeting with opportunity for public comment at the end of the meeting.  The meeting packet can be accessed here.   

City Planner presenting to the Planning Commission.

The Sisters Development Code governs all of the land within the incorporated city limits of Sisters. The six chapters of this Code are used together to review land use applications. Changes to the code, referred to as "Text Amendments", may be necessary from time to time to reflect changing community conditions, needs and desires, to correct mistakes, or to address changes in the law. These changes to the code are legislative amendments, in which the policy decision is made by City Council. 


Sisters Saloon

In partnership with Deschutes County, the City of Sisters received funding for historic preservation projects through the State’s Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Certified Local Government (CLG) grant. 

The CLG grant funds for 2024 were allocated towards the following projects:

Ribbon cutting at McKenzie Meadow VIllage

Access to affordable, quality housing in safe neighborhoods with community services is essential for all Oregonians. Like other cities in Oregon, the City of Sisters is responsible for helping to ensure that its residents have access to a variety of housing types that meet the housing needs of households and residents of all incomes, ages and specific needs. 

Drone photo of Sisters Woodlands looking east to Light Industrial District and outside of city limits.

In Sisters there are a variety of growth management tools in place to ensure that as towns and cities grow, they do so in a sustainable manner that provides the uses a community needs and the infrastructure to support it.  While the goal is to manage growth, it is important to note that it does not mean eliminating growth.  In fact, in Oregon, communities are required to plan for growth and it is illegal to impose moratoriums on development. 

On January 10, 2024, the Sisters City Council adopted wholesale updates to the City's Dark Skies Outdoor Lighting ordinance in the Sisters Development Code that include requirements for outdoor lighting that apply to all new outdoor lighting installed on or after the effective date (February 10, 2024) and provides a five (5) year timeframe for bringing existing, non-conforming lighting into conformance with the new